I live in Seattle. It rains a bit. But that's not what annoys me. What annoys me is rain boots and slickers on dogs. For the love of God, people, stop dressing up your dogs! Newsflash: dogs were born with fur and thick pads on their paws. They need sweaters and boots like a motorcycle needs an ashtray. That being said--look how cute my Xena is. She isn't speaking to me.
What does NOT annoy me, on the other hand, is when a dog carries its own toy to the park. Is there anything cuter than a dog on a leash walking around with a ball or a rubber bone or what have you in its mouth? No. It shows character and a good work ethic. Too many pampered little pets walking around Seattle if you ask me. In their slickers and boots.
The clear exception: Christmas photos. Oh yeah, there are exceptions to everything, and the obvious exception here is Christmas photos. If you take your dog to PetCo and get its picture taken with Santa, you'd better have it in a green and red striped sweater and some reindeer antlers. I'm not sure, but I think it's the law.
Meanwhile, if you have one of those little shaky yippy dogs and you're all "My dog has to wear a sweater because she is so frail and precious", well, f**k me. I am so freakin sorry. It seems to me you wouldn't even need to take your little ball of joy out for a walk; maybe just hold it out the window and give it a good squeeze?
So, in summary, on the Grand Scale of Annoyance, I give this one about a 6. Yeah, out of 10. I really can't stand it.
Your blog makes me smile so much.
I love a good rant. :)
Keep 'em coming!
pass it on :-) thanks, joie. I like yours, too. I read 2006/2007. Well done.
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