Saturday, August 23, 2008

Who You Gonna Vote For?

Okay, so, if you know me, you know who I'm gonna vote for. It's really no secret that I am a card carrying Republican *gasp* I know, I know, it's not a very popular position to take these days. In fact, not one of my friends sees things the way I do. I live in very left-wing crazy-ass-liberal Seattle. All of my friends smoke pot. I don't know if that's a Democrat thing, but, when I was younger, I used to smoke pot, too, AND I had a very liberal view of things. Coincidence? *shrug*

I would never dream of trying to tilt a leftie to the right. Just as they would never try to tilt me to the left--oh, wait a minute...that is EXACTLY what they try to do. And it couldn't annoy me more. Stop trying to "persuade" me that we need "change" in the White House. If you want "change" in the White House, then don't elect a fucking politician.

Now, I'm not going to pretend that I am the most knowledgable person on the world wide web when it comes to politics, because, hey, let's face it, I ain't. And, I must admit, not everything my party does makes me beam with pride. But I'll tell you something, I absolutely shudder to think what will happen to us if Obama wins the White House. He chose his running mate today. Joseph Biden. *clap-clap-clap* Well played, Obama. Good thinking choosing a man well-schooled in foreign relations as you, yourself, are so woefully lacking. And way-to-go playing the Tragedy Card. Poor guy lost his wife and daughter in a car accident, and that qualifies him to be vice-president how? Oh, I see, you just wanted us to be reminded of it. Okay, thanks. And Biden is from a nice, poor, blue collar family, so that is supposed to endear you, and your lovely elitist wife, to the working stiffs. Bravo. Umm, you're still a Muslim, right? Okay, just checking.

I don't need to go into why I am voting for John McCain here, it should be obvious to anyone who has done their homework why he is the better man for the job, and it's not my place to try to convince you. It is SO annoying when people try to do that. I don't really care who you vote for...just vote.

And by the way, before you go judging me, you should know that I have some very liberal views. (she said, begrudgingly) I am all for a woman's right to choose. I believe in gay marriage. I don't feel religion has any place in public schools. See? Thought you knew me, didn't you? :-p Anyway, it's like Michael Savage says, "If you're not a liberal in your twenties, you have no heart. If you're still a liberal in your thirties, you have no brain."

Do your homework. Do your duty. Do your neighbor, for all I care, but for God's sake...VOTE.


Joie Mayfield said...

YAY for Gay Marriage!!

Oh, and by the way, Obama is a member of the United Church of Christ. He's not Muslim, lol. ;)

originalkimmer said...

Gay Marriage=Equal Opportunity Misery...LMAO

I know, about the Muslim thing, I was just being bitchy. Thanks for reading :-)