Wednesday, August 13, 2008

no wi-fi in BFE

Eastern Washington. It couldn't annoy me more. For those of you who have never been to Eastern Washington...well done. For those of you who know what I'm saying. For those of you who live there...well, f**k me. You are a stronger person than I.

I suppose my biggest bitch would be the lack of internet access. I mean, I use Clearwire, because here in civilized Seattle, I live in a marina, on a boat. Granted, my wi-fi card has no power here (hence the Clearwire) but I can go to the parking lot and be online in seconds (not that I would do that, but it IS an option). I brought my laptop and Clearwire to Eastern Washington. Useless. I was 70 miles from the nearest tower. That was two weeks ago. So, I thought I would be clever and use my wi-fi card this last time we went east of the Cascades...uh-uh. Did I mention there is no wi-fi in BumFuckEgypt????

Okay-okay, I suppose I am being unfair. There actually is wi-fi access in Eastern Washington; there just so happened to be NO internet access where I was. So...I really have no room to bitch here.

I am, obviously, back in Seattle. But don't get excited--we are leaving again tomorrow. Back to BFE. (big eye roll)

Unfortunately, nothing about the Olympics has annoyed me. Except maybe for Michael Phelps. Fucking show-off. (ummm...just kidding...I am NOT al-qaeda!)

Look forward to my next post, perhaps on Sunday. Or dread it with all you hold sacred and holy. Either way.


Joie Mayfield said...

Well, it's great to hear from you! :) I hope you have a chance to read some of my newest blogs...lots of things have changed for me. :( Anyway. Have fun.

do you think you have it? said...

the internet on my phone was broken for three days and i wanted to cry. i feel your pain.

originalkimmer said...

can you believe i just got home???? new post soon...see you guys! :-)